
If you feel, "My Life Sucks!" ... Let Just Tap on it!

When you are tapping, say out loud

Karate Chop:(3 times)
"Even though is sucks to be me, I’m open to finding a way to accept myself"

Top of the Head: This sucks!
Eyebrow: My life sucks!
Side of the Eye: It sucks to be me!
Under the Eye: That’s all there is to it.
Under the Nose: My life sucks.
Chin: It SUCKS!
Collarbone: My life sucks, and that’s the truth!
Under the Arm: No getting around it, my life sucks!

Top of the Head: My life sucks.
Eyebrow: But what if I can find some things to enjoy?
Side of the Eye: No I can’t!
Under the Eye: My life sucks!
Under the Nose: For really good reasons.
Chin: You’d agree.
Collarbone: My life sucks and that’s going to be forever.
Under the Arm: I might as well accept it.

Top of the Head: This is where I am.
Eyebrow: I can’t see a way out.
Side of the Eye: Can I?
Under the Eye: If I accept that my life sucks…
Under the Nose: And stop spending my energy fighting that…
Chin: What can I do to make it a little bit better?
Collarbone: My life sucks…
Under the Arm: But what if I could enjoy it a little bit anyway?
Top of the Head: It feels good to stop fighting it for right now.

Take a deep breath.

That's it.
I wish your happiness!


このチャンスを逃さないで! 無料セッション受付、後20名様限り!


日本やアメリカ以外に お住まいの方は、スカイプで、
先ずは、下記メール・アドレス迄 ご連絡ください。
