”気づいて笑顔”は何年もの間、一生懸命、 ただただ主人の為、子どもの為また、会社の為に その身を削って生きてきた、団魂の世代の女性の為のものです。 フッと気がついて後ろを振り返ったとき、 「私の人生一体、なんだったんだろう?」 「これから、私に何が出来るんだろう、何がしたいんだろう?」 「このままで、私の人生を終わらせたくない!」 焦りと、不安が心の中を駆けめぐる事ってありませんか? そんなあなたに、”気づいて笑顔”はピッタリ! ただの、カウンセリングではありません。 お話をうかがい、 いくつかのヒーリング・テクニックスの中から あなたにピッタリのテクニックを選びます。 それは、シータ・ヒーリングかも知れないし タッピングかもしれません。 インナー・チャイルドカードや 魔法の質問カードかも知れません。 また、いくつかを織り交ぜたものかもしれません、 ただ、言える事は ”気づいて笑顔”は、あなたの心の重荷や、不安、焦り、 恐れ、悲しみや怒り、そしてそのような心の負担から来る 身体の不調をなどを改善もしくは治療すことが出来るんです。 連絡先:080-5712-1100
How many times have I said to myself, "I'm sure I can do this, but if I do..." and I hesitate. I begin to think of all the negatives that could happen. As long as I remember, I would stop myself from doing things. I gave myself an excuse not to do something. Perhaps I wanted to avoid getting hurt or from failing. For that, I was stagnant. Nothing changed and I felt time pass by without me. Then, something clicked. I don’t know how or why. My excuses, fears, and worries slowly began to disappear. I began to say, "Yes!" without the hesitation.
Here is a question for you. If there is something inside of you saying, "yes... but" what do you do? How do you deal with it?
I know I need to do something for my life!
One day,
she realized that life she knew,
the life she thought is her's
was not she was looking for.
"What are you looking for now in your life?"
I asked.
She replied
"I really don't know,
but I know one thing,
....I need to out of this situation,
I'm kind a stuck! I want my life, my own life"
So, I asked her
"What is waiting for you when you out
of this situation, now?"
"Relief, freedom, Happiness."
She shout.
"How do you do to get those?"
Few minutes later,
she closed her eyes and nodded several times.
I guess answer is out form her heart,
what she wants and needs to do for her life.
........Now, You just need to act on it!
It's been long time
Sorry I was out so long times.
I hope you remember me.
I was in Japan this February(almost one month)
and I met so many wonderful people.who
helped me to realize that importance of questions.
I mean important "How to make questions"
That questions to other as to oneself.
These questions actually give us control
our life and ultimately lead to our happiness.
I really want to share it with you.
EFT and power of questions, Both of techniques are so cool.
Oh, one more things
As I wrote on my profile, English is not my native language
so, bear with me.
Thank you
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